Commencement activities kick off Thursday

Posted on Friday, May 10, 2019

overhead view of a group of commencement mortar boards

Almost 230 students will cross the commencement stage on May 18 during the college’s 188th annual graduation ceremony, scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on the Residential Quad. Louis M. Dekmar, Chief of Police for LaGrange, will deliver the commencement address.

But celebrations will actually begin Thursday with the annual nurse pinning ceremony at First United Methodist Church.

“We have 30 nursing students, and nine RN-to-BSN (registered nurse-to-bachelor of science in nursing degree) students,” said Dr. Celia Hay, Chair and Professor of Nursing. “All of our 30 seniors in the BSN program have already accepted jobs in LaGrange, Newnan, Columbus, Atlanta and Nashville.”

This will be Dr. Hay’s final commencement, as she will be retiring at the end of July.

On Friday, commencement rehearsal will be at 9:30 a.m. on the Residential Quad. Later that day, the annual legatee ceremony and reception will be held at 2:30 p.m. in the Bailey Room.

“We have 24 legatees this year,” said Martha Pirkle, Director of Alumni and Community Relations. “That means we have 24 graduates whose grandparent, parent, sibling or spouse is an alumnus of LaGrange College.”

The Baccalaureate Service will be at 5 p.m. Friday at First United Methodist Church. The Rev. Dr. Phil Schroeder, director of the Center for Congregational Excellence for the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church, will be the speaker.

Commencement will begin at 8:30 a.m. May 18 with the traditional processional led by a drum and bagpipe corps. During the ceremony, James “Jim” M. Wood III will be presented the Distinguished Service Alumni Award.

Caitlyn Deal, this year’s winner of the Waights G. Henry Jr. Leadership Award, will also deliver a brief address. The award is based on scholarship, service and leadership, and is the most prestigious honor given to a student by the college.

Immediately following the ceremony, light refreshments will be served at the south end of the Residential Quad. Commencement also will be streamed live via in Dickson Assembly Room.

In the event of threatening weather conditions, the rain plan published on the website will be implemented. Students will be notified by 7 a.m. on that Saturday if the rain plan will be in effect.   

Students still needing caps and gowns should visit PACE on the first floor of Callaway Academic Building.

Visit the college’s website for more information. 


Video of the week


Campus notes

Charlene Baxter speaks with friends during her retirement party

Charlene Baxter, Library Director, was honored during a retirement reception Thursday in the Bailey Room. Baxter has been employed at LaGrange College since 1976. Her first library director was Frank Lewis (the new library was named for Lewis and his wife, Laura). “I learned so much from him, not just about being a librarian but also about service to the community and life in general,” Baxter said. Her second director was Loren Pinkerman. “What a joy it has been to work in such a beautiful building that was named after my first boss and designed so wonderfully by my second one.” Friends and coworkers praised Baxter for her professionalism, her kindness and her spirit. “There is a certain type of gentlewoman the South used to produce,” said Dr. David Ahearn, Professor of Religion. “Charlene embodies that Southern graciousness.”

Portrait of Professor Dr. John Cook

Dr. John Cook, Professor of Religion, has had a chapter, “Raised on the Third Day According to the Scriptures: Hosea 6:2 in Jewish Tradition,” in the book “Paul and Scripture” (Leiden: Brill) and “Malakoi and arsenokoitai (1 Cor 6:9): In Defense of Tertullian’s Translation” in the journal “New Testament Studies.”

Portrait of Dean Hartman with Kiwanis awrd

Dean Hartman, Senior Director of Communications and Marketing, received the 2017-18 District Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award from Kiwanis on Thursday for his work with the college's Circle K Club.


Paying it forward

LaGrange College Panther Meter for May 5, 2019 showing 509 alumni donors

LC alumni, remember the excitement of commencement week? Finals are done, projects are finished and it’s almost time to say goodbye to the Hill. Remember, too, the many people who helped you along the way – faculty and staff who encouraged you to be the best you could be? Many people stepped up to help you – now it’s your turn to pay it forward. Consider giving back and helping current students through donor-funded scholarships and campus resources. Help reach this year’s goal of 1,100 alumni by making a gift before June 30. Any amount helps.



four students stand with their athletic awards following the reception

Honors were presented to student-athletes for the 2018-19 academic year during ceremonies Thursday in Callaway Auditorium. Senior lacrosse player Davida White and senior men’s tennis player John Mitchell Benton were presented the Eagle Award that is given to the year’s outstanding female and male athletes. Senior women’s tennis player Jenna Eppes received the Dr. Waights G. Henry Academic Award, given to the senior female student-athlete with the highest-grade point average. Senior Robert Allen received the Dr. Malcolm Shackelford Award, given to the senior male student-athlete with the highest-grade point average.


In the headlines

LaGrange College players honored – LaGrange Daily News, May 3, 2019


Category: Students, Academics, Faculty

Keywords: Commencement, graduation, baccalaureate, sports, retirement

Last updated: 05/10/2019